locanda degli alberi attivita enogastronomia
Food and wine
12 May 2019
locanda degli alberi attivita passeggiate
Trekking and walking
17 May 2019

The Etruscan coast is also a land of ancient cycling traditions, champions and important races.

Therefore, for fans of this sport, nothing better than to travel the streets rich in history, by bicycle. The possible itineraries are also in this case of varying difficulty and suitable for everyone: families with children, cyclists and professionals.

Sea itineraries, from the sea to the hills or immersed in nature, poetic or more suitable routes for those who want to visit some cities with their works of art.

One of the routes that we want to remember is the one that winds between Bolgheri, Bibbona, Marina di Bibbona and reaches Cecina along long avenues of cypresses and beautiful medieval villages that are worth a stop, between one ride and another, with the possibility to also encounter valuable artistic monuments such as the church of San Guido.

The area is also a land of ancient cycling traditions, champions and important races.

Therefore, for fans of this sport, nothing better than cycling through the streets rich in history and beautiful landscapes. Many of the itineraries wind on secondary roads with little traffic and immersed in nature, the possible itineraries are also in this case of varying difficulty and suitable for everyone: couples, families, cyclists and professionals.

A special mention goes to the road that connects Sassetta to Suvereto, the scenery of a beautiful cyclostoric the “99 curve”, this itinerary is loved and chosen by cyclists from all over the world because it is considered one of the most beautiful in Tuscany.

We can provide our guests with guides, maps and advice so that they can choose the itineraries calmly and day by day.

For more information: itineraries and mapsCycling Project, shops and guidesmap trekking mountain bike Sassettaroutes Sassetta Castagneto Bolgheriapplication Gp sies route.

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